Its not been long, rather its been very long indeed. Days came and passed by and then the gap became long & longer than expected. But this time, I am back with a promise to keep. A long thought over decision to just keep blogging no matter what happens. I would continue to blog regularly as I did earlier.

When I sit and ponder over the reasons that kept me away from blog, the result that I conclude gives me a good laugh. One look at the excuses would clearly state me as the 'laziest person' alive on the earth, though I am not one. Or may be I don't consider myself as one. anyways, whether I am one or not one is beyond a discussion.
Though most of us have a blogger in us and have something or the other to pen down everyday. Here are some of the reasons that hold us from letting our heart out everyday.
Though most of us have a blogger in us and have something or the other to pen down everyday. Here are some of the reasons that hold us from letting our heart out everyday.
- Busy with work in office
- Daily chores keep us engaged
- Some feel its a tedious task to switch on PC/laptop
- Ok, its just today, tomorrow I'll blog for sure. AND, tomorrow never comes.
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