Busy is he and busy is me, then where do we find glee? A problem common amongst couples especially in urban lifestyle. If you have been in years of relationship, then it gets difficult at times to find new ways to express your love. At times, you feel completely lost and don't know how to be romantic despite wanting to do so.
Being romantic is not just offering gifts, giving surprises or making love to your partner. There is much more to it. On that note, couples would admit to the fact that 'the most important thing in romance is spending time with each other'. Its a month of love and that's why some special ways to make each other feel special. Here is another romantic idea for all couples.

Relax and Talk
Often on weekend, couples wake up early or late in hurry to finish off chores. Be different this weekend. Just finish your pending chores a night before so that you have a peaceful mind. When you wake up next morning, don't get up instantly. Lie on your bedside and chat for hours. Don't discuss work or relatives. Just ensure that you feel for your partner and speak your heart out. Tell each other that it was long since you wanted to be with your beloved and how you feel at the moment. Talking on bedside while lying close to one another will rejuvenate you.
Talk all Night Long
Couples often make love and feel they have been romantic enough. But next day, they feel no different and do not feel refreshed. Having sex often is not always satisfying. It becomes more of a job. Then just let your tight knots go loose. Keep yourself ready for a night to talk. Just talk to each other on bedside. Share jokes and laugh with each other... Set the mood right for a romantic night with soothing lights and some snacks on your side tables. ...Try this romantic idea for your beloved. Don't forget to share your experience with us.. Talk to each other on Bedside... Happy Romantic Talking.. :)
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